Lee's Ferry and beyond (click for a bit bigger)
Rule Numero Uno for me in the desert, especially an unfamiliar desert, is to not get stung by any poisonous critters. Thus, I tend to be pretty careful about where I put my extremities. So when Chris and Lisa took us to Lee's Ferry overlook via RAZR and I found this post-bloom-yet-miraculously-not-dead agave, I made damn sure to inspect the ground around it before I got...more familiar...
Chris made a behind the scenes photo for this one:
Standing tall
And a little closer:
Agave detail
Micro landscape
From the Overlook, we headed to Death Pockets, which were super awesome even if they weren't filled with water because it hadn't rained in ages. Whew.
That'll have to wait, though, as Burning Man looms...
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